воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011 г.

Wela Review | Slimberry Review: MLM Facts or Hype?

Wela Review

Wela Review: MLM Facts Vs. Hype. 

MLM scams and the promises of easy money are around every corner these days.
Like vultures fighting over scraps, MLM recruiters are trampling over one another to pounce on new recruits and competition is fiercer then the women on that crazy TV show Desperate Housewives, fighting over a millionaire bachelor!
It’s damn near impossible to find an honest review on any mlm company these days because all of the reviews seem to be written by people actually in the mlm company.
Wela and Slimberry are no different. During my research on the Wela opportunity I couldn’t find a single review that was written by someone that wasn’t in the program!
Seriously, if you’re looking at joining Wela then how to you distinguish the facts from the hype?
Well here’s a non-biased review of the Wela and Slimberry opportunity as I’m not in Wela and have no financial interest in the program

Wela Review & Slimberry Facts

BEFORE you join any mlm there are 3 crucial points you must consider. You must know who is behind the company. What products does the company sell and what is the compensation plan…
Who Are The People Behind Wela and Slimberry?
Wela is based in Springfield, Missouri and was founded by some really big names in the mlm industry.  John Penny, Dan Mathews, Mark Gullet and Ryan Burgard are all co-founders of Wela with extensive backgrounds and careers in business and mlm companies.
John Penny was actually one of the top income earners in another mlm company called Vemma before founding Wela.
Since most mlm companies fail within their first 1-3 years having the right people at the top of the organization is absolutely critical for future growth and success of the company.
Wela does appear to have top notch leadership and administration.

What is the Wela Product?
Wela Review SlimberryWela is a health and nutrition company and their premier product is Slimberry, which is supposed to be a great alkalizing, anti-aging, antioxidant, and disease prevention product.
Slimberry is derived from the acclaimed Acai berry from Brazil as well as various combinations of other health inducing vitamins and berries such as the Maqui berry and Pomegranate.
Both Maqui berry and Pomegranate are classified as “super foods” and clinical studies have shown them to be powerful antioxidants which reduce aging and cellular decay.
Despite having excellent ingredients, at the current price of $49,95 dollars per bottle of Slimberry, plus shipping and handling in my personal opinion that is is a bit on the expensive side.
Ok… enough about the juice, what about the MOOLAH??? (money is what you’re really after right?) 

Wela Review Compensation Plan:

Compared to other mlm companies the Wela Compensation Plan is very generous. It’s actually a Binary compensation plan with several bonuses including a fast start bonus, a preferred customer bonus a 25% matching bonus and a team cycle bonus which allows you to earn up to $20,000 per week.

Learn To Recruit Like an “All-star” Or YOU Will Fail…
However before you go thinking you’re going to “get rich” with Wela the brutal truth is that none of the bonuses or incredible compensation plan even matter if you can’t recruit!
Success in any mlm company requires dedication, personal development and sales skills. If people don’t view you as a leader they will join someone else who is.
If you’re looking for easy mlm riches you’re living in dream land. Building any mlm business will take time and dedication on your part.
Most people simply cannot recruit and sell which is why the failure rate is so high in the network marketing and mlm industry.
You can make some serious money with Wela, but only IF and  youdedicate  yourself to learning the required skills. 

I put this Wela Review together to help you make the right decision in joining this mlm company. MLM is great but personally I like “hands free passive income”.
To discover how to create REAL passive income WITHOUT all the headaches and hassles o f recruting check out the linke below…


Passive Income WITHOUT Recruiting


“Always remember… “Rich People Send Their Money To Work So They Can Stay Home And Play!”
Anton Lesnyak

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